Snatched Edges Podcast - Episode 2 - Healthy Hair Resolutions

On this episode I talk you through a few ways to make 2018 your best hair year ever! Download the show notes here - Subscribe to my mailing list here - Follow me on Instagram - You can also now listen to the podcast on Soundcloud, iTunes & Stitcher.

Show notes

(Excited Salutations!) “Welcome back to Snatched Edges. The podcast teaching you how to have Healthy hair, Full and Luxurious edges that, you know, curls that be poppin, whatever it is that you like, hair goals and all of that! All of that”

”OK, so it is the 2nd of January 2018. And I'm guessing that, you know, New Year's resolutions are in full effect. I'm out here trying to exercise, drink my green smoothies, you know, summer body is made in the winter.”

So I thought it would be really good if I came to you guys and thought of some healthy hair resolutions, you know, easy things that we can change and we can do to make sure that we are hitting all our goals and our targets for our hair in 2018. Ok, so let's get straight into them. The first one I thought of was that your diet is like key. It's so important and what you put into your body and, you know, you see the effects of poor food, lack of nutrients.”



“It really shows up in your skin and in your hair. So if your diet is like, you know, not great, if it's lacking, you really, really need to improve that. Because your hair is made of a protein called Keratin. So if you're not getting enough protein and nutrients in, the first place, it's going to show up in your skin and in your nails. Because those cells, they reproduce quite quickly. So if the body's under stress or anything like that, it's going to divert attention away from those to fuel the other more important organs.”



”So if you're not getting enough, you're going to see it in your hair and nails, it'll start to be dry, brittle. It will be breaking, it will look really dull. So I thought an easy way to kind of improve your diet is to eat the rainbow. Every day or every week, make it an effort to try out a new fruit or vegetable with a different colour. That way, you can make sure that you getting you know, the whole spectrum of everything, the macronutrients, the micronutrients, trace elements, minerals, everything will be in there. ”



”And also a really important fact to know is that you need about 1 gram of protein for every kilogram that you weigh. So if you haven't stepped on the scales, now would be a good time. So if you weigh, say, 70 kilograms, you need about 7 grams of protein every day to kind of meet up with your body's demands. Alright. ”



”The next step would be to have a regular hair regime. Now, I'm really guilty of this. That from week to week, sometimes I can't be bothered, my hair will be great, I'll be doing everything right. And other weeks, I kind of get distracted by life, but having a simple routine of maybe just, you know, making sure you're sleeping with your head scarf, you wash often. ”



”You know, I'm not really subscribing to how many days you should have to wash, but definitely like, you know, when your hair falls dirty, if you exercise a lot. If you sweat a lot, even just having things like, air conditioning and central heating. ”



”Your hair will pick up a lot of dust and dirt, just from being out every day. So you need to make sure that you're cleansing your hair properly and often. And also deep conditioning will help to replace any lost nutrients, you know, as you go about your daily life.”



“The big point here, would be to sleep with a Satin pillowcase or a Silk scarf. Now, I know some of you, if you're in relationships, you know, you want to look cute for your bae, for your boo.... But no one's trying to be bald out here.”



“So you need to tell them, let them know that, you know, you wear your Do-Rag. I'm going to wear my head scarf.”



“We're going to be having long hair, looking fancy, looking fly together like....”



“No man is worth your edges, ladies. All right, remember that.”



“The next one to do would be to go through all your products and see if some of them are off. Now, natural hair products usually smell really nice. They've got loads of chemicals in them that, you know, make them feel fancy. A lot of them have perfume and fragrances.”



“So it might be hard to tell when they're kind of near an expiration date. All products on them should have a date that they are best before.”



“But also another thing to note is that they will have like a little tin or a little circle symbol with a number next to it, whether it could be one week, three weeks, six weeks, 12 months, 24. That would be the date that from when you open it, that's how long it can last for. So even though it might have a really, really, you know, distant way off expiration date, it may only be good to use for maybe, say, six months at a time.”



“So check those dates. Make sure that none of your products are bad. They haven't gone off and throw the ones that have out and replace them often.”



“The next is the tools you use. Now, my hair does not like combs whatsoever. It like, destroys combs. I've got like a graveyard full of like broken combs, broken afro picks from where it's just like...No, we're not doing that today. You can stay by yourself.”



“So have a look at your tools. Bobby pins and hair ties, are like the worst culprits for having little nips and breaks that can really damage each individual hair strand.”



“So if you've got bobby pins that are like, you know, the black plastic covering is starting to peel off or you've got elastic bands that have the metal ties on them..... Throw those away and get some good new tools to make sure that nothing is going to stop you from prospering in 2018. ”



“OK. Next on my list is to plan your protective styles ahead. So if you have a really active lifestyle, you know you're going to be busy. Or you know, you can't really commit to looking after your hair on like a daily or weekly basis. ”



“I would say, you know, now's a good time to throw in some braids, some crochets, some twists, faux locks, whatever style you like. Just make sure that you speak to your stylist beforehand. They are not stretching your hair too much. Like if you don't like using heat, that's fine.”



“If you don't want to lay your edges down or make sure it's not really tight. Like, I remember going to the hair salons, when I was younger and coming out with like a facelift or not being able to sleep the night, that I got a style done.”



“Because my hair was too sore. That is ridiculous. That's not a good sign, if it's that tight.... Please, please, please take it out. Nothing is worth you losing sleep over. ”



“You should be able to sleep comfortably. You know, if you're in pain, you're giving someone money! You have to speak up for yourself and say so.”



“Like beauty isn't everything. Yeah, your edges may be laid and it will look like an amazing style, but you don't want to end up with no hairline or like, you know, an extra extra forehead, so....”



“And after four to six weeks, that's the maximum amount of time you should have a style in for. Unless you're doing Locs. Take them out, wash your hair, treat it. Give it a little rest period and then you can repeat the process, ok? ”



“And my last one is to Smile. I put this on there, because people don't really understand the effects of stress that it can have on the body. It really changes it, on like a chemical level.”



“So sometimes when you're feeling down or depressed, you don't understand how your body's releasing extra hormones to try and combat that. But those are actually having an effect on your skin, and on your hair, as well as your mood.”



“So when you smile, try and feel happy, do things that make you laugh, make you feel excited, make you feel good. You know, self care is a really, really big thing. If you meditate, if it's to watch your favourite Netflix shows.... Do a little something for you that makes you feel happy. Makes you feel good and you start to see the benefits not just in your mood but in your physical appearance as well.”



“So to make this really easy for you guys, I have made a little checklist. That you can download from my website, which is (EA spells out website) and you'll see it there on the main page.”



“It will be like a free little checklist for you to, you know, write down your resolutions or anything like that. If you have any questions, feel free to email me. I provide consultations and I'm happy to talk to you about hair or anything like that. You know what you've got, got what you've got planned. You can follow me on Instagram. We can continue the conversation there”



“My Instagram is (EA spells) ebuniajiduahhair. Oh, that was mouthful. But yes, follow me on Instagram. Let's talk. Let's connect. And hopefully we will not be snatching edges, any longer. Take care guys, bye.”